FACCIO Officina Meccanica, Cork Industry Machineries. | www.faccio.it | ITALIANO |
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bags Lifter painted steel

Bags lifter containing natural corks to feed the hoppers of the elevators.

It consists of a mobile platform with safety system. Its operation is controlled electrically through a motor reducer with gear and limit switch.

Very functional and practical.


stainless steel
> x.g.e.d.o.e. 1r 16 | x.g.o.e. 8 | x.o.e. 4 | x.g.e.d.o.e. 2r 24 | x.g.e.d.o. 12 | x.g.o. 6 | x.e.s.t.
painted steel
> g.e.d.o.e. 1r 16 | g.o.e. 8 | g.e.t. 10 | g.e.o.t. 10 | g.e.t. 15 - g.e.t. 20 | g.e.o.t.I. 10 | BAGS LIFTER

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OFFICINA MECCANICA FACCIO G. S.R.L. - 44, via dei prati, CANELLI 14053 (AT) ITALIA TELEFONO: 0141.82.30.15
Registro Imprese N. 01302640055 | Cod. Fisc. e Partita IVA: 01302640055